Consultoria Mundial de Petróleo e Gás

Coal Bed Methane: From A to Z
Duration: Three days
Course description: This introductory course on Coal Bed Methane (CBM) covers a variety of topics. At the end of the course, attendees will have a general understanding of different aspects of CBM exploration and production. The course is designed for technical and managerial staff members who need to develop a broad understanding of CBM.
Program content:
- Introduction
- History
- Coal fundamentals
- Coal type
- Coal grade
- Coal rank
- Chemistry of coal
- Thermogenic vs Biogenic gas
- Coal fractures
- Coal identification
- Gas measurements
- Gas content
- Gas saturation
- Coal density
- Coalbed reservoirs
- Production and completion methods
- Appraisal and pilot wells
- Geomechanical aspects and well stability
- Water production and administration
- Coal analogs
- Exploratory and global geologic framework
- Practical examples from around the world
- Environmental aspects
- Data Gathering / Measurements
- Estimation of gas volumes and profiles
- Practical exercises
Instructor: TBD